Burnt Out and tired of it ...
Find the Root Cause of your Wellness Woes,
Fix that, Fix your Life !!
I believe in getting to the Root Cause of issues such as fatigue, low energy, weight gain, and even hormonal issues. That is the only way to achieve lasting wellness. Only addressing the symptoms may provide short term symptom relief, but not lasting results. Inevitably symptoms reappear, many times in worse ways.
Alleviating the root cause of your health issues is the only way to get your LIFE back! Find the root cause through the functional lab work provided by Steiner Wellness.
Why guess? Test!
Only with a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner can you test for food sensitivities, cortisol and other hormone imbalances, as well as digestive function. Once you are informed and educated from your lab results you can pursue long lasting health and wellness.
Click on the button below to find out more about my services.

- I believe that there is no One Diet fits all.
- I believe in bio individuality.
- I believe in the power of the Mind - in everyone's capability to heal themselves through proper nutrition and the power of their own mind.
- I believe in the no diet diet, eating fresh wholesome foods is the only way to long lasting wellness.
- I believe that we all hit bumps in the road and can, and should, use a Coach to guide us through to the right path.
- I believe that wellness is beauty. Living a healthful life cultivates beauty, both inner and outer.
- I believe that food is information. One person's energy empowering food can be another person's poison. It goes back to the fact that we are all individual.
I know we live in an information age. And information is empowering when it comes to our health. We can run lab tests and figure out your body's individual needs to get you running back at 100%, full capacity! You deserve a life full of energy and vitality!